Everything Concerning Lye
"Unlocking the Secrets of Bar Soap: The Science Behind Saponification" Bar soap undergoes a fascinating chemical transformation known as saponification, derived from the Latin word "sapo" for soap. This process involves combining a lye solution with oil or fat, triggering a reaction that breaks down the fats into fatty acid chains. Remarkably, the lye mixture is neutralized during this reaction. But here's the burning question: Why isn't lye in soap a safety concern? Initially, lye is a caustic substance, far from ideal for bathing. However, in the alchemy of soapmaking, all lye is consumed during saponification. As the chemical dance unfolds, lye interacts with other ingredients to form soap, leaving behind no trace of its harsh origins. Rest assured, by the end of the soapmaking journey, your bar is free from any lingering chemicals or potential hazards, ensuring a safe and luxurious bathing experience.